Why won’t you post full recipes?

While I realize that simply altering a small detail of any recipe may absolve me of copyright violation, it does not absolve me of moral and ethical obligations. I feel it is unethical to post recipes that people spent time developing in the hopes that you will buy their cookbook. If it was me, I would be really upset should the entirety of my cookbook be posted online causing people not to purchase it. Instead, I post reviews of the recipes so you can decide if a cookbook is worth purchasing. An author with a good book that has reliably delicious recipes can only benefit from this approach.

When a recipe is posted online by the publisher, I will link to it. I will also post recipes that are from family, from books that are out of print and from authors who have given me explicit permission to do so. I will not post links to web forums where people post full recipes without author and publisher permission.

Why do you insist on substituting other things for pork, shellfish and certain brand name goods?

I keep kosher! I’m not cooking what I can’t eat. I am sure some of the recipes would be delicious with the original ingredients, and if you do not keep Kosher I would encourage you to try it and write about it int he comments section.

How in the world are you going to make some of these recipes kosher?

The answer to that question is what makes this blog so exciting. I am going to have to be very, very creative and willing to try a lot of things.

Can I get my cookbook or a specific recipe tried first?

If you are a cookbook author you are welcome to contact me about your cookbook. While I will not focus on it to the exclusion of other books, I may add it to my list if I like it.

If you are a reader who wants me to test out a recipe so you know if it is worth it, please by all means contact me! I am happy to focus on reader requests first!

How did you pick these particular cookbooks?

I started off with the books that were all ready on my shelf. I’ve been collecting for some time now. These are books i picked up at used book stores, were given as gifts, ordered on amazon or simply could not resist when i saw them in a store. Moving forward books will be added in much the same fashion, while also taking reviewer requests, until all 108 slots are filled.

Want to see what cookbooks I am eyeing? Check out my Amazon Wishlist.

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